Join us for a Complimentary Dinner with an Informational Seminar

two couples enjoying dinner and wine

Whether you are just looking into retirement options, or have questions about your current strategies, we can help.

Reach out to register for an upcoming seminar  where you can enjoy a complimentary gourmet dinner at a local restaurant and we can share with you the important options and considerations for your retirement.

Call or email us today. Let’s work together to achieve a retirement plan that is safe, simple, and has a very reasonable rate of return.

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I was the Queen of all skeptics at a dinner at Coach and Four where Lisa shared her financial investment info, but I was intrigued and felt she was so down to earth and genuine, that I couldn’t help but like her. She made a comment like “I have to be able to sleep at night” which made me think even more highly of her. I researched for HOURS after our meeting and invested with her, and have never looked back. She is professional, home grown here locally, and it feels like talking with a friend instead of an advisor. I’ve referred many friends to her, and I will continue to do so. Class act and FIVE STARS from me! ♥️

~ Julie Bell

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